Are You Awake?

curiosity present moment awareness Oct 14, 2016

Often I find myself lingering in the past or future, impatient with myself and my progress, wanting more, and trying to figure out how to control what’s happening in my life.

I’m running so fast I don’t have the time or energy to see what’s here now; a conversation with my son, a funny story, someone letting me into traffic.
Everyone around me seems to be doing the same thing -  driving fast, overscheduled, and not sleeping.

                       What am I running from? The present moment.

Most of us are never fully present because we unconsciously believe the next moment must be more important than this one. Then we miss our whole life, which is never not now.
Have you ever thought this…

“If I stop I’ll never start again”, or

“If I stay present I’ll see something I don’t like and I’ll have to fix it and I’m already exhausted.”

Our minds usually come up with drastic scenarios. I call this ‘the wreckage of my future’.
What if there was a different way to perceive the present moment?
What if there was one tool that would allow you to ‘see’ the present moment without judgment or fear?
Would you use it?
                                           The Tool is Curiosity.

Curiosity allows you to see yourself, others, and situations as they are right now, without condemning, running away, or having to fix anything.


                                  How to Use Curiosity to Be Present
When a scenario happens like getting cut off in traffic, your child getting sick, a client yelling at you, or receiving a nasty email ask.........

“I wonder why (fill in the blank) is happening?” or state,
“Isn’t this interesting!?!”
Your mind cannot be curious and judgmental at the same time. Curiosity is a way to hit the pause button and see the present moment. It is a tool to help you ‘be here now’.
The other night the overhead light in my bedroom turned on at 4:00 am. “Isn’t that interesting?” “I wonder why that light turned on and woke me up so early?” I shared this experience with my girlfriend and she said, “Maybe it’s your wake up call.”

Eckhart Tolle said,

“Always say yes to the present moment. Surrender to what is. Say yes to life and see how life starts suddenly working for you rather than against you.”
I wonder how you will apply curiosity in your life today and wake up to the present moment!

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