Be. Here. Now.

Sep 16, 2017



Be. Here. Now.

You find yourself walking the dog and having a conversation with someone who is not present. You’re in a team meeting and thinking about a bill that is due next week. You’re with your kids thinking about an incident that occurred at work. We've been taught to believe that the next moment is more important than this one. This is not true.

The present moment creates the future.

A quick way to get back in the present moment is to ask yourself, “Am I in engagement, enjoyment, or acceptance right now?” If you answer no, you are not present. Locate your feet. Take three deep breaths. Shake your head as if you are saying no and yes. Make circles with your arms. Ask the question again. “Am I in engagement, enjoyment, or acceptance right now?” Being in the present moment improves your social skills and creativity, increases your appreciation of your world, and reduces stress, worry, and over thinking. This moment creates your future. Are you in it?
I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.  Albert Einstein
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