Get that energy out of your body!

Jul 10, 2017




Get that energy out of your body!

Over the past six months I have gotten divorced and fractured my fibula. My youngest son graduated from high school and is leaving for college in August. My rescue dog Parker continues to have anxiety issues.
I discovered I have a lot of energy inside me that needs to be expressed. What kind? I can use labels such as anger, grief, resentment, and regret. I prefer to lump them all together and call them energy.
What happens when I don’t express my energy? I overeat, overwork, focus on what other people should do or not do, and compare myself to others. I experience a general irritability. Life feels like it has to be endured.

I went to the batting cages and hit 62 balls. Correction: I swung at 62 and hit 56.

How to express energy

  • Hit softballs or tennis balls
  • Take a boxing class
  • Pull weeds
  • Beat up pillows
  • Jump rope
What happens when I do express my energy? I focus back on myself and the present moment. I make better choices. My body feels lighter. I sleep better. I am gentler with myself and others. People and things don’t bother me as much.

Check your irritability level. It may be time for an expression session. 


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