Work with difficult feelings

Aug 07, 2017



                                "Don’t just do something, sit there."

We all encounter rough patches and unwanted experiences. In response to them, we may feel angry, jealous, or fearful.
We are not taught to sit with difficult emotions. We are taught to push them away through busyness, food, social media, and other people. The result is they get stuck inside your body and come out in unskillful ways. You scream at your kids for giggling, or spend extra hours at work and come home exhausted, and numb out with TV and food.
We all want to change what we feel. Instead, make space for all your emotions.
  • Invite them in for tea.
  • Accept them as they are.
  • Ask them what they are here to teach you.
  • Decide to stay present for all your feelings.
  • Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Say, “OK fear, anger, grief, come on in. Give me your best shot.”
Emotions are meant to be experienced, not ignored.

Every moment is useful, no matter what is happening. Feel all your feelings. It is as important as breathing, sleeping, and eating. 


Join my Executive Women's Coaching Program

If you're a business owner or executive looking for a group to support you in achieving greater success, then this group is for you!


When you participate in this group, you will:

1.   Produce results without sacrificing your core values

2.   Learn methods for working both ‘ON’ the business (100,000 ft. level) and ‘IN’ the business (10 ft. level) more effectively and efficiently

3.   Share your process with other and receive feedback, support, and solutions from other women in your position

4.   Experience a safe place to connect and process work/life balance challenges so you can achieve mindful success

5.   Foster a forum of compassionate accountability

6.   Use your voice for greater impact

7.   Explore life's possibilities with like-minded women who are ready to break the rules, barriers, and limits



The program starts September 7th.

Questions? Email me at [email protected].
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